Sunday, June 14, 2009

newly wed ~ aswani luv afizul

special for you..diknor..
Happy Wedding Day to you, my beloved younges sister n my new in-law..wish u all the good days and happiness throughout your lives.
welcome to the next new world of your life.. lets together facing the world with our next loved one...our life partner... till the end of our days..
5 June 2009 (+-11.00am, friday)
- afizul (the groom) & aswani (the bride)
- officially being husband n wife at Masjid Mukim
- aswani ; the youngest daughter of wan ali n wan zainab; the youngest one in her family indeed.
- afizul ; the eldest in his family, from Gua Musang

6 June 2009
- sapa kijo la ari ni nyo..
- bz day, bekwah (bigwork) day
- the wedding's day

9 June 2009
- reception
- almost 3 hours travelled by car

menu for the days;
nikah day:
- kerutuk ayam kampung
- sayur lemak terung, ketiak jagung, kacang, timun
- kerabu pucuk beko (kot luar tok tahu)
- sos bilis (budu la tu) n ulaman (slurrpp..bestt)
- akok, watermelon, tapai pulut (dessert)
- air sirap (as usual for bekwah)
menu served on nikah day

wedding day (no photos-forgot):
- ayam percik
- gulai daging lembu
- sambal ikan balas
- acar umbuk
- acar timun
- tembikai
- sambal
- tapai pulut
- air syrup

we're still maintain the gotong-royong together2 in cooking those things..penat, yet fun and unforgettable..(thanks a lot to all relatives and villagers for their contributions).

p/s: that's the final in-law of mine, im waiting for the wedding events of my family in-law

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